Montrose Burns Club

 Club purpose and aims

Our Club is a not-for-profit organisation and is constituted.

The aims of the Club: To promote, celebrate and expose others to the works, heritage and legacy of Robert Burns here in Montrose and the surrounding district.

A Burns Festival is held annually on the last Friday before the anniversary of the birthday of our Bard, 25th January.

The Club is a paid-up member of the Robert Burns World Federation.

Connecting our club business to the local community/tourism sector

Of cultural/historic interest to Public – The Burns Heritage Trail (accessed by QR code via our website

In 2023, the Club created a Burns Heritage Trail which incorporates points-of-interest associated with Robert Burns, in and around Montrose. The purpose of the Trail is to encourage locals, visitors and tourists alike, to travel this trail and learn more on Robert Burns in our area.

Our Club has strong links with other heritage groups in the town, including Montrose Museum & Angus Alive. We currently are working with other heritage groups, businesses and other like-minded people, on researching more Burns links to Montrose, including the Turks Head Inn and also the William Lamb bust of Robert Burns.

First point of contact email –


Key People
Photo of Mr David Ramsay

Mr David Ramsay